How to Clean Stainless Steel Stamping Elbow

2022/11/04 10:36

Work procedures after the production of stainless steel stamping elbow finishing.

1, according to the requirements of the workpiece and the appearance of the selection of alkaline washing, water-soluble cleaning agent, chlorine solvent sandblasting, shot blasting and other methods for finishing

2, generally do not choose the method of acid washing for finishing

Stainless steel stamping elbow correction.

1, the workpiece selection of static load for correction, generally should not be local knocking

2,  After correction should be lower than the original tempering temperature stress relief annealing

3, austenitic stainless steel stamping elbow workpiece, after correction in 300℃ below the stress relief treatment

Stainless steel stamping elbow quality inspection.

1, the workpiece is checked according to the items and requirements of the corresponding technical documentation rules

2, when the mechanical properties of the workpiece is not qualified, repeat heat treatment, but the number of repeated quenching or solid solution is generally not more than two. Tempering of the workpiece does not count as repeated treatment

3, quenching state or low-temperature tempering of martensitic stainless steel stamping elbow and wear-resistant elbow workpiece, repeated quenching should be pre-heating, annealing or high-temperature tempering before.