Stainless Steel Three-way Ball Valve Principle

2023/02/01 10:32

Stainless steel three-way ball valve principle.

In the stainless steel three-way ball opening process

1, in the closed position, the ball is mechanically pressed by the stem, tightly pressed on the seat.

2, when the handwheel is turned counterclockwise, the stem is reversed, and its bottom angular plane makes the ball disengage the seat.

3、The stem continues to lift and interact with the guide pin in the spiral groove of the stem, so that the ball starts to rotate without friction.

4, until it reaches the fully open position, the valve stem is lifted to the limit position, and the ball rotates to the fully open position.

When the stainless steel three-way ball closing process

1、When closing, rotate the handwheel clockwise, the valve stem starts to descend and make the ball leave the seat and start to rotate.

2, continue to rotate the handwheel, the valve stem by the role of the guide pin embedded in its spiral groove, so that the stem and the ball simultaneously rotate 90 °.

3、When it is about to close, the ball has rotated 90° without contact with the seat.

4、The last few turns of the handwheel rotation, the angular plane at the bottom of the stainless steel three-way ball valve stem mechanically wedges to compress the ball, so that it is closely pressed against the seat to achieve a complete seal.